We started off the dream to be station owners and sheep farmers at Mt Rosa Station with the Railton family. Soon enough it became apparent that the sheep were tough to fatten on the high country terrain and wool prices were declining significantly...
We took a look around at our neighbours in the Gibbston area who had planted out vines and we heard chat about how great the soil was for Pinot Noir and how Gibbston could be the next best wine region.
We did like a tipple, so we talked about it over a few tipples and decided to change our game and take a risk and live a new dream...
Every family member was roped in to help, young and old, human and dog! It was a character-building gig and we pushed through some tough vintages and we learnt a lot along the way.
Twenty-odd years later and we're still here, living the dream! We've got 22 hectares of vines, 11 that we use for our wines going through the Cellar Door and we have five different varietals. We've lost some characters along the way and we've gained some more. Dean Shaw came on as our winemaker and is still with us twenty years later. We believe in our product and we're showing visitors a brilliant time.
What could be better than that!
And, oh the memories...